This could be a suitable game for kineaesthetic learners, essentially learners who are constantly on the move and simply cannot sit still. Fancy an afternoon of running around the school looking for posters stuck with QR Codes and scanning in the QR Codes with a tablet to reveal questions online? After doing so, learners key in their responses to the questions online using the tablets.
This is what a student will typically see on their smartphone/tablet after having scanned in the QR code.
Here's how this can work.This is what a student will typically see on their smartphone/tablet after having scanned in the QR code.
1. Submit!
Input a series of questions and answers using QR Treasure Hunt Generator.
2. Create!
Get a QR code for each question.
3. Display!
Put the QR codes around your school.
4. Begin!
Students find and answer the questions.
A case study can be found here.
1) Refer to QR Treasure Hunt Generator for implementation
2) Search for 500 most recent quizzes from 500 Most recently created quizzes using the QR Treasure Hunt Generator
3) Using QR Codes in the Classroom